
img_harrysittingvUPDATE: During these times of social distancing, those of you interested in studying the guitar or ukulele (or both!) please know that Harry is available to teach remotely via FaceTime. In fact, Harry’s been doing that for the last 2 years so he is quite adept at handing the challenges of remote teaching. Harry has many students on the Mainland and abroad, as well as here in Hawaii, that can attest to his depth of knowledge and skillful teaching methods. If interested, please call him at 808-262-3734 to make arrangements.

Harry’s musicality offers extraordinary range and depth: from his soothing Hawaiian slack key and steel guitar renditions, to the intricacies of classical guitar, to soulful rock ballads or the blistering riffs of classic rock, Harry’s fluid guitar playing and resonant voice seamlessly transports his listeners across cultures and styles.

Find out more about Harry, or about the music he’s made over the years. He offers guitar and ukulele lessons, and also performs live at many venues throughout the island of Oahu. Join Harry’s mailing list to stay updated on all his performances.

Come, have a listen.

Maunaloa (Hawaiian)
Harry learned this one from slack key master Raymond Kane

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Little Wing (Classic Rock)
By the iconic Jimi Hendrix

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Time in a Bottle (Rock Ballad)
Classic hit by singer-songwriter Jim Croce

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Afro-Cuban Lullaby (Classical)
Arranged by Christopher Parkening

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Go Go Kikaida (Rock Riff)
About the popular anime characters, from Ellsworth Simeona’s Raised on Rice

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Visit the music page for more about Harry’s music, and more sample tracks.